Monica Richardson was born and raised in New York City in the most northern part of Manhattan, "Inwood" an Irish Catholic neighborhood known for its gorgeous parks, tree lined streets, local bars, Jewish delicatessens, and basketball courts. Monica went to Catholic schools, studied piano and sang, played basketball and was on the swimming team. As a teenager she transplanted to Hawaii where her Dad moved after her parents divorced. Later she moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in acting and singing studying at Playhouse West, The Groundings, Santa Monica College and UCLA Extension Program. She worked on Movies and TV shows - sang in Japan, worked at 20th Century Fox, and LACER After Schools Program. Richardson made her first Documentary film, The 13th Step that won numerous awards and can be seen on AMAZON, Tubi and Vimeo.
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AA was not designed to break down white male patriarchy. And feminists are not some totally white as snow innocent victims of evil patriarchy,
Please read The Myth of Male Power
~Warrel Farrel
Please watch The Red Pill
~ Cassie JayeStop dividing and conquering
with CIA payroll Gloria Steinem and irrational 4th wave Feminism .
that blames men for everything wrongStart promoting Gender Equality .
Read “The Myth of Male Power” for hundreds of stats that flip the notion of Male Power upside down .
Among the wealthiest 1% of the U.S. population (those with
assets of $500,000 or more), women’s net worth is more than men’s. How can so many of the wealthiest people be women when women hold none of the top corporate jobs? In part, by selecting the men who do have top jobs and outliving them. And in part women have greater spending power and lower
debt obligations.Overall, The U.S. Census Bureau finds that women who are heads of households have a networth that is 141 percent of the net worth of men who are heads of households. 14(The value of the net worth statistic is that it allows us to see what he and she have left when their different liabilities are
subtracted from the different assets. The women’s average net worth is $13,885; the men’s is $9,883. This is because although male heads of households have higher gross incomes and assets, they have much higher spending obligations. They are much more likely to support wives [or
ex-wives] than wives are to support them and thus their income is divided among themselves, a wife, and children—not only for food and housing but for tuition, insurance, vacations. Divorces often mean the woman receives the home the man pays for and also gets custody of the children
the man pays for. A woman’s obligation tospend more time with the children leaves her earning less and the man earning more but paying out more -
All that and she never talks about AA 95% failure and AA How It Works blaming AA fraud victims? Feminism zealotry is misleading often coupled with some sociopolitical divide and conquer distraction promoted by the ruling classes.. Steinem was on the CIA payroll.
AA’s critics need to focus on AA’s 95% failure and 30% death… religion and gender bias are a literally a screen door in a submarine argument that undermine the core AA criticism.
Sorry, I should have partly acknowledged AA’s gender bias written by Men [“chapter To The Wives” and the God as we understand “””Him”””] …. My post came out side ways and sloppy and didn’t comprehensively explain my larger disagreement.
My frustration is that Arguing about AA’s gender bias or religious coercion problems too often ends up distracting from AA’s Overall deadly fraud. 9% relapse failure and 30% death rate – that literally ruins and kills men and women at equal rates. that was what i was trying to get at which really went side ways seeming to deny AA’s gender bias at all..
Holly Whitaker totally omits The larger picture which is that AA is daedly ruinous faith healing fraud that literally fails 95% and kills 30% of men and women at equal rates. citing data from AA board member Dr George Vaillant’s 8 year study of the AA 12 steps used in clinics that proved AA does not alter the natural history of alcoholism and AA truly Only Harms the PUBLIC overall.
Holly gets Feminist all worked up and on her side then she misleads the issue by doing the slinky rubber robot dance move to negligently fraudulently recommend AA as good for some people.
This demographic dividing also happens when arguing if AA is a religion. People argue these issues and then say – if these issue don’t bother you – well then AA is OK. These half truth rationalizations can sink in with people who don’t have mental defenses and even subconsciously with more intelligent people. For example – Highly intelligent Claudia Christian was entrap by AA blaming her when she had no counter argument provided for her when she was in her weakened state.
I believe The AA Rehab lobby is planting these seemingly personal public interest stories written by an individual. but with highly manipulative genius marketing strategy behind them.
for example https://americanaddictioncenters.orgI am seeing these AA distraction arguments far too often They remind me of sneaky marketing articles paid for by Corporations that are published as public interest stories to sell a product with bad public image by dividing up and separating out a specific issue that bothers a select market demographic – and then they sell the product to everyone else who do not care about that problem – never raising any other lesser known problems.
For simple analogy its like 1. separating more skidish horses out of the herd so they don’t upset and spoke the rest of whole herd – 2. and then also holding an apple in front of a the more steady horse – 3. and then put blinders on the steady horse also –
in marketing strategy its more complex and deliberate manipulation – but all designed to get the steady horses previously – bonded to the rest of the herd – to walk over a bridge.
Trivia; Covered Bridges were designed to help skidish horses cross bridges over larger creeks. not just to look nice or keep people dry when on a bridge.
by clearly admitting an issue and separating out that specific demographic and dismissing any other problems – the rest of the Public can be made far less resistant to buy a product with other unmentioned problems. Other stories are written to separate out other problems ie religious or cult problems etc.
AA’s critics need to focus on AA’s 95% failure and 30% death… religion and gender bias are a literally a screen door in a submarine argument that undermine the core AA criticism.
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